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Old 12-14-2016, 07:20 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andromeda Renzler-Denaker
First Year
Fluttery Pegasi

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Mason decided to buy one chocolate frog. Just one! He grabbed a package and placed it in the basket with the other candies. It looked lonely though and the sixth year hesitated before grabbing another one and putting it in the the basket as well, feeling a bit guilty but left it there all the same.

It was at that moment he realised that Hadley was talking to him and not the frogs she was looking at and he raised his eyebrow. "You didn't know the chocolate frog would try to escape?" wasn't that common knowledge?

"What? Oh yeah im Mason" he knew who she was of course. If there was one thing he was good in it was remembering names and faces. "But you did catch the chocolate frog back then right?" he continued. Losing a frog was the worst, perhaps that was why there were collectors cards in the packages. So you wouldnt have bought the candy for nothing.
Hadley shifted her weight from side to side, then grabbed two more and tossed them into her basket. She was going get so sick if she tried to eat it all tonight.

"I am going to share these with my sister. Without warning her. Should be good for a laugh." There was a devilish glint in her eye that the Professors of Hogwarts knew all too well.

Mason. Yay, she got it right. It would have been embarrassing if she had been wrong. And a little insulting to him, she imagined.

"No, of course I didn't." Both her tone and the amused look she gave Mason suggested this should be common sense. "I mean, muggle candie doesn't usually move on its own. It just melts while you are eating it." She shook her head, amused now by the memory. "Actually, I screamed and ducked as it flew at me." Merlin, that felt like another lifetime all together. Her first year at Hogwarts, learning all about the magical world for the first time.

Now, this world was her normal. Her ordinary. No longer new and exotic, but still so very exciting.

"So, how is your summer going?"
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