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Old 12-14-2016, 07:17 PM
Bazinga Bazinga is offline
Default St. Mungo's RP Basics

St. Mungo's RP Basics

Welcome to St. Mungo's, a great SnitchSeeker forum dedicated to roleplaying old characters, new characters, fun plots, and helping you build on your roleplaying skills through interaction with other members. We know for some of you, roleplaying may still be a foreign concept or you might not feel super confident yet, but don’t worry you have come to the right place. Here you will find a basic roleplaying guide, a dictionary for roleplayers, types of roleplaying (RPing) that you can participate in and find in this forum, and ideas to help you get started with your very own plots and threads. If, after reading this thread, you still need help or have any questions, please refer to our Knockturn Alley Question Thread. If you just want to discuss roleplaying in general, allow me to direct you to Knockturn Alley Collaboration Corner. As always you can send a PM to the KA forum mods, emjay or AlwaysSnapesGirl.

Table of Contents

Roleplaying Basics
Roleplaying Dictionary
Grammar Book
The Many Types of RPing - Find What Suits You Best
Genres, Plots, and Storylines

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