Slytherin Snake Pit  Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends. SPOILER!!: The details Crest  Founder
Salazar Slytherin  Mascot
Serpent  House Colors
Green and Silver  House Ghost The Bloody Baron  Head of House Mr. Justin McLeod  Flying Instructor
Groundskeeper Head Girl Natalia Franks-Mundie  Seventh Year Head Boy Colt Winchester  Seventh Year House Cup Championships 2063-2064(17), 2064-2065 (18), 2065-2066 (19),
2071-2072 (25), 2072-2073 (26), 2074-2075 (28),
2075-2076 (29), 2079-2080 (33), 2089-2090 (43)
2090-2091 (44), 2091-2092 (45) Quidditch Cup Champions 2056-2057 (10), 2057-2058 (11), 2074-2075 (28),
2075-2076 (29), 2080-2081 (34) Gobstones Championships 2064-2065 (18), 2067-2068 (21), 2068-2069 (22),
2069-2070 (23), 2071-2072 (25), 2073-2074 (27),
2074-2075 (28), 2075-2076 (29), 2079-2080 (33),
2083-2084 (37) If you know the password, or where the entrance is from the Secret Passage you can make your way through a portal in the stone wall of the dungeon and walk into the Slytherin common room also known as the Snake Pit.
The Slytherin common room is a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling, from which round, greenish lamps were hanging on chains. A fire is crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece ahead of you. The Slytherin emblem is everywhere, as having a house pride is one of our strong qualities. Portraits of the infamous Salazar Slytherin, Professor Horace Slughorn and previous Head of Houses are aligned. It reminds students of what being a Slytherin means and allows them to share those feelings with others.
This is where Slytherin students are allowed to unwind and chat with one another. There is a room straight ahead that students may use as a quiet place to study and ask prefects and high scoring students questions. To the left, a corridor leads to the boys dormitories, and to the right leads to the girls dormitories. Beside each corridor is self inking quill and parchment with the words Attendo Thea Vipera on it. This is where you can leave a little information about yourself so your housemates can get to know you better.
Over the fireplace mantle is where the Slytherin trophies and plaques lay. In center is the Slytherin House Cup from last term's win. On the side of the fireplace is the notice board for announcements and open classes listed. Placed around the room there are four different Wizard Chess game boards. If you feel like playing better find a partner and see who can keep their pieces from getting smashed by the opposing team. The windows showcase the underwater where you can occasionally see the Giant Squid and other water creatures swim on by.
A podium stands to the side with a copy of Hogwarts a History, which is where you will learn that even though the whole dungeon had once been flooded, nothing was waterlogged or permanently damaged. |