Professor Jordan Hernandez's Hut Located not very far from the barn, there is a small hut which is also Professor Hernandez's office. From the outside you can see the notice board where he puts all the notice about the Care of Magical Creature's and a bench for the waiting visitors. Big Boss usually stays around and feel free to play with him, he is a friendly dog.
Insides the hut, you can see a fireplace and a set of coach. There is a bookshelf where he keeps the reference's books. On the corner, he sets up a small pantry into his coffee clinic. Professor Hernandez will happily serve you a cup of coffee and cookies when you make a visit.
Please knock the door first and wait until he is available for a visitor. OOC: There is no a waiting room thread, so if you want to visit Professor Hernandez, just RP your character knock the door first and wait until Jordan shows up also, feel free to RP for the dog (Big Boss). |