Thread: Girls' Bathroom
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Old 08-06-2016, 01:34 AM
Zoe Zoe is online now
Default Girls' Bathroom

Girls Only!!
(That includes you Misters Potter and Weasley!)

A funny inscription etched on the door with a potions knife reminds us all of the great deeds Harry Potter and his friends performed in this very bathroom during their time at Hogwarts. While this second floor bathroom is indeed still haunted by Moaning Myrtle, it is no longer nearly as shifty as it used to be in Harry Potter's time.

And hopefully, these days the toilets are only being used for.... well, toilety things, not for brewing potions.

OOC Note: All SS Board Rules and School Rules apply in this bathroom. Violators may be punished both OOC and IC should they break any of those rules.