follow me; everything is all right.
All of a sudden, hundreds of owls from the owlery darted out from the seventh floor corridor and frantically swooped their way down the moving staircases. What in Merlin's beard were they doing here?
Soon after, a GIGGLE sounded, which made the birds scatter. A snowy and tawny owl collided into each other. An old grey owl nearly flew into one of the portraits hanging on the wall. A group of smart eagle owls dashed onto another floor. The rest of the owls were desperately looking for an escape from whatever it was that had spooked them. GIGGLE.
As the giggling grew louder and louder, several of the owls lost control of their bowels. Bombs away! It was now raining owl droppings! GIGGLE.
While the owls continued to hoot, collide, poop, and fly around in search of a place they could be safe, the giggling grew fainter until it could be heard no more ... for now.