Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners Rooney found himself giving her a few disheartened glances as she whipped through those pages in that book. Didn't anyone around here realise how annoying the sound of it was? And then to top it off...she went ahead and hummed. This wasn't one of her little band sessions, yes Rooney was aware of who she was and he surprisingly wasn't at all bothered about it. He was bothered to high heavens about the distraction. "Do you make insufferable noises every time you come into the library?" He quipped, quill down and eyebrow raised. Her brown eyes finally hit an interesting witch that she felt she might be able to do her assignment on. Setting it fully on the desk she started to write a few notes, but soon was stopping and looking up. Tilting her head curiously as she looked at the Ravenclaw prefect. "I'm sorry?" Ws she doing something wrong? Her mind started taking steps back... She did drop the book that was loud, but she apologized for it.
What was he even talking about....
oh.. "Was I humming? I'm so sorry. I don't even realize it most of the time. Music is just always on my brain so it comes out in either a hum or a tap on the table." Keeping her hands busy pointing at her book and writing with her quill kept her from tapping, but now she'd have to make an effort not to hum as well.
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