DMC Puffskein
Join Date: Nov 2011 Location: Hogwarts :)
Posts: 1,351
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ally Rory Slytherin First Year | Chapter 2 loyalties Stay Free Sorry it took so long to post...Lol. The other one before just got aproved.
Jonas watched him leave before he went back to reading his book about model airplanes looking forward to another visit to Diagon Alley.
Wednesday, August 25th 9:00 A.M.
Albus had taken Jonas, whether he was bright eyed and bushy tailed or not, at eight o'clock in the morning to the entrance of Diagon Alley. Which by muggle travel, took them a little more than an hour. Jonas had insisted on shopping on his own. Professor Dumbledore allowed him to do so. With a sack of money in his pocket, Jonas set off to go shopping for his school supplies. First on his list was robes. Alright…
"Should be easy enough," he muttered out loud after reading his list.
Walking down the streets of Diagon Alley, much to his surprise, like any first year, he was amazed by all the sights and sounds, even though he had been here before, but before, it had been five years since he was here so a lot has changed. But it was all the same as well. For one thing, it wasn't as bright as he remembered. Was that the right word? The bricks were a duller shade of red than last time. Too, everyone seemed to be a bit on edge. As Jonas scurried ) to the first destination, which was his robe shop.
"Did you hear?"
Jonas turned his head to a random woman who was talking, to her husband he guessed. She was an older woman with blond hair that was curly. She had gray eyes and light skin. She had freckles on her face and was plump. Her husband was taller than her and less plump. He had green eyes. Maybe it wasn't her husband but someone else...Jonas didn't know. Jonas paused for a brief moment as she talked.
"Sirius Black! He escaped from Azkaban prison just a couple months ago!"
"Yeah, I heard he's after Harry Potter," the man replied.
Harry Potter? Jonas knew of him but he had never met the boy in person. Seems to him that it was just luck that he happened to defeat the most powerful wizard in the world...why was Jonas annoyed about this? He despised his father with a passion. He sighed. It didn't matter. He needed to go to the robe shop. Yeah. When he got to the shop, it was a small one. If he blinked he would have missed it. When Jonas stepped into the shop, he heard a small bell that jingled above the door. Then, he noticed three children there as well. He saw a bushy haired girl, a red-headed boy and another boy that looked very familiar. He watched them curiously as they interacted with each other paying no mind to him.
"Ron, I'm telling you, it's not Cruikshank's fault!" a bushy haired girl shouted at the red-head.
Jonas smiled a bit as the girl looked at him. For some reason, there was something about her that he trusted
"Oh, hello," she smiled.
"Hello," Jonas said.
"Um...are you a first year? I don't think I've seen you before in Hogwarts," she said.
"Yeah, I am," Jonas said. "Just got my acceptance letter a couple months ago," he said. "I'm Jonas by the way."
"Hermione and this is Ron and Harry."
Jonas looked to the two. Ron smiled a bit at him and nodded. Harry did too. Jonas smiled back, though a fake one to break the awkwardness he guessed.
"Harry Potter right?" he asked more curious than anything.
Harry nodded. "Yeah, that's me."
Before Jonas and anyone else could say another word, Jonas heard small footsteps and turned to see a woman who was short with white hair and light skin. She was short and wore a pink dress with blue eyes.
"Hogwarts?" the woman asked.
The four teenagers nodded and she nodded too and directed them to get on stools. They did and measurements were taken with tape measures moving by themselves. It was a blur to Jonas though as the four parted ways. Besides the robes, everything else seemed to be different on their supply list. This left Jonas to think about the trio, especially Hermione. She was a pretty girl he thought and she seemed like the type of person to be logical about things...he couldn't wait to see her at school. He hoped he would be in the same house as she.
Pretty soon, the four had left and had to go their separate ways since Jonas was a first-year so he needed to get a wand. He wondered, though, why Mr. Ollivander recognized him? He shook his head. He doesn't think everyone will recognize him.
"Aw, I was wondering when I would see you again Mr. Riddle."
"Jonas," Jonas said correcting him.
"Right, of course. Alright, Jonas, which one is your wand arm?"
"My right one sir," Jonas answered
Again, like the robe shop, it was the same routine as Jonas was being measured with an auto tape measure. There were a lot of wands that didn't quite fit Jonas. He must have gone through twenty of them already. Mr. Ollivander smiled.
"Aw, try this one instead," Mr. Ollivander said and handed him another wand.
Jonas did and a bright yellow light emitted from the tip.
"Yes, dragon and ashwood. Nice and subtle. I wonder though why it chose you…"
Mr. Ollivander said. "No matter ten gallons it'll be this fine day Jonas."
Jonas nodded and handed him the money. He took a look at Mr. Ollivander one more time. For some reason, he felt the smile was fake. Why hadn't he questioned Jonas about being a thirteen-year-old first year? The robe shop was a bit different as the woman didn't know what year Jonas was in so it made sense for her not to question it but why Mr. Ollivander not questioning it?
The rest of the day seemed to go off without a hitch as Jonas got the rest of his things that he would need for the school year.
The following week after Jonas got back to the orphanage seemed to go by agonizingly slow as he stayed up in his room more than usual. He was consuming himself with all the new information that was in the books. Despite knowing about the magical world, he had learned a lot in the books. It was amazing. He was anxious all week though as he barely got any sleep. He was so excited to get to Hogwarts.
The first day of Hogwarts wasn't that eventful until the sorting ceremony, Jonas had found a seat alone on the train and not many people talked to him. He was alright with that, though, as he was used to it at the orphanage. As the journey to Hogwarts castle went on, though, it seemed to be getting really really cold (What's the past tense of frigid?) cold. Jonas looked out the window and saw that it had frozen over. What the hell was going on? He walked out and was about to go investigate the source when he was pushed back by an adult. The trolley cart woman it looked like.
"Stay in your compartment dear. It'll just be a momentary delay," she said.
"What's going on out there? Why did the train stop?" Jonas asked.
But the woman ignored him and went into another room. Alright….that was...weird. Jonas got ready to call after her for ignoring him but she was long gone. Then, Jonas felt all the sorrow drained out of him. He had read about this. Dementors they were called. But when Jonas looked around, they were nowhere to be seen. Despite the trolley woman's wishes, he stepped out of his compartment and pushed passed everyone else as they were screaming and shouting with panic in their voice. He opened a door and saw the source of it. It was like watching a movie in slow motion as Jonas saw Ron, Hermione, and what looked like a teacher with brown-blondish hair who was wielding a wand. A bright light emitted from his wand.
"Nobody is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks, go."
When the dementor left, Harry started to sit up as the teacher kneeled down to his level.
"Here, eat this, it's chocolate, it helps, it really helps," the teacher said.
"What happened? Are you alright Harry?" Jonas asked making his presence known.
"Jonas!" Hermione smiled and looked to him.
Jonas smiled back. "Hey, what happened?"
"A dementor attacked Harry," Hermione said sheepishly a tint of pink covering her cheeks.
Jonas nodded. "I can see that."
Jonas felt his face heat up. Being near Hermione seemed to have that effect on him. He wasn't sure if he liked it, but he knew he didn't dislike it either.
"Oh um...this is Professor Lupin," Hermione said interrupting Jonas' thoughts.
Jonas looked up and smiled a bit nodding at the professor.
"It's nice to meet you, Jonas," Professor Lupin said.
By then, everyone had sat back in the compartment. The rest of the train ride seemed to go by quicker now that everyone was settled down and Jonas was with someone he knew.
When the train had finally come to a stop, Jonas had to part ways with Hermione and the others as he heard a voice call out.
"First years this way! First years!"
Jonas made his way to the voice looking back at Hermione and the others take an invisible carriage to the castle. When Jonas got to the other first years, he saw a very tall big man at the front of the crowd of first years overtowering them all. He had a lot of hair on his head and a beard to match. He introduced himself as Rubeus Hagrid. Jonas noticed though as Hagrid looked at him for a split second, he thought he saw recognition in his eyes but then it was gone.
"Alright, up to three to a boat!" Hagrid called out as he got in a boat by himself. Jonas turned to the lake that the boats were in a single lantern hanging in them.
Jonas got in a boat with two girls, a blond with freckles and green eyes and a brown haired girl with green eyes. When everyone was in the boats, the boats started to move by themselves across the lake to what Jonas could only assume was the castle. Once the castle came into view, Jonas's eyes widened as he saw the grand sight before him. A huge castle that had a bunch of lights in its' windows. Jonas smiled and heard a few first years gasp at the size of the castle and how amazing it looked.
The moment had finally, finally come for the sorting ceremony to take place. All the names were called from Jane Athorn to Jacob Poller.
"Riddle Jonas," the professor in the front had said her voice was very strained.
Jonas walked up to the stool as the crowd parted for him. He glanced over at the Gryffindor table and heard Ron talking to Harry and Hermione.
"Did she just say Riddle?" he said. "Riddle?"
"Ronald! Don't be so rude!" Hermione whispered. "Family lines don't matter!"
Jonas's lip twitched. Now he knew why he trusted Hermione. He looked at the teachers. They were all smiling, except for one of them with jet black hair and dark eyes. But Jonas could tell the smiles were strained. He sat on the stool and the hat was placed on his head covering his eyes.
"Anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin," his thoughts begged the sorting hat.
"Hum...well, well, well, I see we have another one. Alright then, if you insist….better be…Gryffindor!" the hat shouted and Jonas sighed with relief. He could hear Ron say
"Bloody hell," as he walked over to the table.
Jonas sat down next to Hermione and looked at Ron.
"Why didn't you tell me who you were?" he asked. "Dark wizard…"
"If I would have Ron, you would have acted the same as you are now," Jonas remarked.
"Honestly Ronald, grow up and stop judging a book by its' cover," Hermione sniped at him and turned her attention to Jonas.
"Hello Jonas, you doing well?"
"You could say that," Jonas said.
He liked Hermione, she hadn't judged him like the others will. The rest of the night was spent a bit uncomfortably. It wasn't long as Ron's conversation had spread through the whole Gryffindor table and soon the rest of the school was talking about nothing but Jonas. His ears turned red as anger festered up inside him. He guessed it couldn't be helped, but still. The rest of the time in the great hall seemed to go by in a blur. Pretty soon, it was time for the first year Gryffindor orientation. Jonas glanced at Ron and Ron just narrowed his eyes slightly. Jonas sighed.
Well, this is going to be great, just great
Jonas just sighed. It didn't matter...it didn't matter...it didn't matter. Oh, how Jonas wished he was a better liar to himself. He just took a couple extra buns and put them in his pocket darting his eyes around. He knew that there was plenty of food to have but he had a fear that he wouldn't eat again for a while. Having to fight for food at the orphanage, he was just used to it he guessed. He then ran to catch up with Percy who had downright ignored him. Great. Just freakin great.
"The common room's this way," Percy said and led the first years up to the many sets of stairs.
"Do keep an eye on the staircases, though, they like to change," he said.
Jonas looked at him curiously seeing that there was a strained look on his face as well. Was this going to be like this with the others as well? Jonas guessed only time would tell. His eyes darted around with the others as he saw that all the portraits were moving. It had been a while since he had been in the magical world so, like everyone else, he was equally as surprised. They finally reached the last floor of the castle. Jonas saw that it was a large floor length portrait in the shape of a door with no handle. On the portrait, there was a fat lady in a pink dress who was dressed elegantly. She was singing though and being a nuisance.
"Let us in,' Percy said. "Fortuna Major."
The fat lady sighed. "Fine," she said and swung the portrait open. When Jonas stepped in, he was greeted with a warm sight as a fire was blaring in the front room with two winged chairs next to it and a small couch.
"Boy's dormitory is upstairs on your left, girls, the same on your right. You will notice that your belongings have already been brought up for you and are waiting for you in your room. If there are no more questions, I will leave you to your own devices."
After that, Jonas saw Percy go to the boy's dormitory to retire, Jonas yawned. He should do the same. The first years looked at him wearily. He sighed and went to the bedroom. Despite the uncomfortable end to the night, Jonas had gotten to sleep quicker than he had expected, so the next day, with no dreams that night, he was well rested ready for a first day of lessons. This should be a lot of fun, he thought to himself as he quickly got dressed and headed down to the great hall to eat breakfast. Really, he wanted to see if he could talk to Hermione but that probably wouldn't happen even though they were in the same house. He was right as she was nowhere to be seen. He shrugged and filled his plate paying little mind to those around him as he ate his scrambled eggs and sausage which was dipped in maple syrup. As time passed, though, he didn't see Hermione anywhere. Though Harry and Ron showed up and Jonas smirked slightly as he watched Harry mutter something to Ron. Probably close to hey, don't judge a book by its cover and let's sit by him. By the time both boys had sat down, Jonas couldn't hold back his snicker as he Ron had the most sour-puss look on his face.
"Aww, had a bad dream last night Ron-Ron?" Jonas took this opportunity right there.
His laughter increased as Ron tried to ignore him as he ate his food stabbing his fork into his egg.
"I have to get to class. Charms is the first thing on my schedule," Jonas said to them both.
"Good luck," Harry said. "Second floor."
By the time Jonas had arrived at Charms, he was one of the last ones there, he quickly took a seat. But he was too late, the professor had already noticed him.
"See you could join us, Mr. Riddle," he said his voice a bit chirpy and happy.
"As I was telling the rest of the class, I'm Professor Flitwick and for our first lesson, we are going to learn how to make things fly."
Jonas nodded. "Okay, Professor Flitwick. And call me Jonas, please, just Jonas," he said.
Professor Flitwick nodded and Jonas noticed the same strained look in his eyes. Jonas sighed. He knew that he was going to have to deal with this with every teacher? He guessed he could understand but he hoped it would wear off after a week.
"Good everyone, now, do you all have your feathers? Okay, now with the nice wrist movement we've been practicing we'll say Wingardium Leviosa."
Jonas pointed his wand at the feather and with a swish and flick, he said the incantation as clearly as he could.
"Wingardium Leviosa," he said.
As everyone was trying to practice, they all looked as Jonas had been the only one to successfully made his feather hover into the air. Jonas heard everyone gasp as he rose his feather higher, higher into the air.
"Wow, can you teach me that? I'm having a lot of trouble," a girl said and looked at her feather.
Jonas smiled a bit and looked to the girl with red hair and green eyes.
"Let me see how you perform the spell…" he said.
After Jonas impressed the rest of the first year Gryffindors, Charms class seemed to breeze by. Pretty soon, the class was over and it was time for Jonas to go to his first flying lesson. Alright, he's made it through one class so far, let's see how the rest of the classes would go.
Much the same as Charms went, flying wasn't that much different. Jonas was excelling in the flying pretty well and again, Madam Hooch had the same look in her eyes. It was okay though as Transfiguration rolled around and professor McGonagall had the same look in her eyes, Jonas was getting more and more used to it. Eventually to the point where he didn't even notice it.
By the time lunch had rolled around, Jonas was starving. Immediately after Transfiguration, which was Jonas's third class, he headed down to the great hall eager to see if Hermione was there. Though, he would be just as happy to see Ron too as he could just annoy him. When Jonas had gotten there, he did see Ron and Harry but no Hermione.
"Hey, where's Hermione?" he asked Harry who shrugged.
"She's taken too many classes," Ron decided to answer. "So she's probably stuck at the library or something."
Jonas nodded making a mental note after class to study up on books in the library so he could be with the rest of his third-year classmates here he belonged. That and maybe he could help Hermione too.
The rest of the week seemed to fly by as Jonas went through pretty much the same routine the next three days as he went to Charms first, then flying, transfiguration, lunch, DADA, and then Herbology which was last. But, as fate would have it, his whole week couldn't possibly be all filled with sunshine and rainbows...to an extent. No, no, no, there had to be a wrench thrown into his life. So the first Friday night of Jonas's school year had started out as any other night, he would meet up with Hermione, Harry, and Ron as usual and he and Hermione would chat mainly. Halfway through the dinner, a boy with sandy blond hair, Seamus, Jonas had learned, walked up to him and whispered in his ear.
"What kind of person would breed with that monster? You don't belong here Riddle," Jonas heard him snicker with his friends as they passed by.
Instantly, filled with rage and frustration, Jonas got up off his seat and shoved Seamus into the table.
"Don't you dare say a word against my mother!" Jonas had roared.
"Riddle! My office, now!"
Jonas turned and saw that it was none other than Professor Dumbledore who had said that.