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Old 11-27-2016, 01:14 AM   #20 (permalink)
Nearly Headless Nick
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Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable

The HAG? "My dear girl, I shan't think you need worry about the Hag anymore." He would have given her shoulder a pat, but he knew people didn't appreciate that.

He hovered higher, towards The Friar. "I cannot tell if it is only on our... plane, as Azura says. What say you?" he asked his dear friend.

Sir Nicholas shook his head, making it wobble slightly. "Peeves and Miffy have promised to stop their pranking. I wish to give them the benefit of the doubt." However, Azura's words had some truth in it. It wouldn't be unlike the poltergeists to have crossed their fingers behind their backs or something. "Do you think it's them?" he asked her and The Friar.
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