~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Henry remained on the court for the Hufflepuffs. The Gryffindors were at the ready with their player as well. The marbles were released. At first it seemed that both marbles were so close that it was impossible to tell which, if any, was in the lead. Soon, however, it be came clear that the yellow one was racing ahead! It eventually claimed the points. "That's one point to Hufflepuff!" Kay exclaimed, looking over excitedly at Laurel. Match Standings: Gryffindor 6 points Hufflepuff 7 points Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
Round 3 / Question 2 Subject: CoMC Level: Moderate (2 points) What vegetable can be used to trick a certain water dwelling demon into leaving you alone? |