Mischievous Niffler Kitty tapped her quill against her lips as she listened to the question and her fellow students answers. This was a habit she had picked up recently, ever since buying those special quills from Hogsmeade.
Almost immediately after the professor asked the question her hand was in the air. "I know that Professor Dumbledore used to be headmaster of this school, a long, long time ago - during the time of Harry Potter and before that. When he was young he studied the Deathly Hallows with dark wizard Grindleward to try to become immortal. Very cool idea, but unfortunately it didn't work and he and Grindleward eventually became enemies." Hopefully she wouldn't get rebuked for saying it was a cool idea, after all, who didn't want to be immortal? As long as no one got hurt, there was nothing with trying to destroy death, right? Or maybe that was just Kitty's opinion. "After defeating him in 1945, Dumbledore went on to become a teacher at Hogwarts, and later headmaster. While at Hogwarts he oversaw many interesting and terrifying developments, but eventually he got to teach Harry Potter and train him to defeat Voldemort, the most powerful dark wizard ever born. Sadly, he was murdered in this very castle by one of his teachers - though that teach was acting under his orders and it was all part of a plan." "I think he was Gryffindor like Matthew said," she added, smiling at the Gryffindor's outburst.
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 11-25-2016 at 04:49 PM.