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Olivia Phillips in a library. THE APOCALYPSE WAS UPON THEM!
But with that said, she'd been doing so well this term with her grades...that it was completely unavoidable. With only a few more months left in the school year, it would've been a disservice to all her hard work to just give up now. So, slacking was NOT an option. Unfortunately.
Also, it was a wild Paul Myers. OoooOooOOOO! What was the Herbology professor doing in the library?! It was just so very much unlike him. It was like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs...
Creeping closer to the Herbology professor, Liv plopped her bag down on his table; a bright smile upon her face. "Why, hello there." She was already making herself comfortable, pulling out the books necessary for her homework.
Paul didn't look up as a student sat next to her until he heard the hello. It was OLIVIA PHILLIPS.
"Hiya!" he said cheerfully, sighing as he glanced over at her. He lowered his voice to a whisper...'
"Do you think I'm ridiculous for wanting this to be the cover of our new album?" he held up the photograph. It made him happy! And it would
certainly make others happy!
So what if the blue grass music featured on the album was sad this time around?! Paul didn't care! Mark Sparks was being ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!
"We're trying to pick a cover...and there is...much disagreement," he said softly, sighing again. "
Being in a band is sometimes much too much drama, Miss Phillips." The Ravenclaw turned Badger did not approve.