Text Cut: Astrea & Fiyero
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Astrea NEEDED TO GET HER PRANK ON. Well maybe she wasn't going to prank people, but she thought the idea of it could be fun in THEORY if she pranked correctly and not MEANLY.
So here the second year was, skipping around the joke shop gleefully as she grabbed random things she thought looked interesting. OOOHH NOSE BITING TEACUPS! She wonder if they bit too hard--BUMP!
"Oh, I'm SOOOO sorry!" she said quickly to whomever it was...and it happened to be her good friend Fiyero! HUGS FOR FIYERO! "Oh it's only YOU Fiyero! Whatcha' doing in here, gonna' prank people?" she asked, still....hugging him. Quote:
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Fiyero was still looking through the displays when somebody crashed into him, making him drop all the pranks in his arms. He was just about to tell whoever it was off for not watching where they were going, but he smiled instead when he saw who it was. "Hey, Astrea!" he greeted his friend.
And then before he knew what was happening she was hugging him. Well, this just got really weird! He wasn't sure what to do, so he gave her a little hug back. Oooookay... gonna pull away now.
"Sorta," he answered her question as he bent to pick up his stuff. Well technically it wasn't his since he hadn't paid for it yet, but you get the idea. "I was going to give these to my little sister-" He held up a handful of trick wands. "She really wants a wand but she's too young, so I thought she'd have a blast with these!" Then he turned his attention to the nose biting teacup. "Not sure who I'm going to use this on yet though..." Probably his cousin, to get back at him for ditching him!
The Hogwarts students always managed to leave some mark on her shop after every hogsmeade visit. When her door bell jangled this saturday then Emerald was at least expecting the students to start arriving. Hops had been gracious enough to find out that they were meant to be coming this weekend.
Stocked up on pranks off all sorts and colours Emerald dusted off her hands on her apron as she made her way from her back room and out toward the sounds of childrens voices. Entering the aisle where a boy and a girl were standing by the trick wands she smiled broadly "Welcome to Zonkos, can i help you two find some pranks?"