11-16-2016, 03:59 PM
Muggle Studies Lesson Two: The Muggle Life It was almost the end of April and the air was certainly warm that morning. The windows of the Muggle Studies classroom were all open to let the fresh air in. The said class was set up as usual- with the white board up at the front of the room with its purple marker; the room itself was divided into two with the path down the middle. Professor Stewart’s laptop is missing today and there are surely no indications as to what the topic for the lesson will be. Not to worry! All will be revealed soon!
Your Professor is seated behind her desk as she awaited your arrival. She’s all smiles, excited to get the lesson started. Come on! Have your seat! Have a chat with your friends in the meanwhile but don’t be rowdy! Helpful Links: 1. Greetings and What do you think of Muggles? 2. Would you be able to live without magic?/Does not being able to do magic make you appreciate Muggles? 3. What Muggle inventions interest you the most? 4. What would you do to maintain/ form a good relationship with Muggles? 5. Activity Time! 6. Six hours to go + Char and Nat! 7. An extension on the activity! OOC: Hello, guys and gals! I know I originally stated that I would open the lesson tonight but since it’s my day off, I figured I’d do so earlier. Have your charries chat with their friends or even with Kay just don’t go overboard, please! We’ll get started in about 36 hours! CLASS HAS STARTED! |