The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Kaycee laughed. As if Maggie needed proof. Everyone knew that Zeke was Maggie's to boss around. It was... like gravity. It was just a given. But whatever. Maggie could pull off the red. "You could always put him on a leash or something." Just saying. That was also a way to take care of that.
Also it would be hilarious and awesome.
She rolled her eyes. "Puh-leeease." she said overdramatically. "You're Maggie." she replied. If it wasn't obvious, that meant that yes, she was in charge of the school. "You look very Gryffindor." she said with a nod. "Shame we weren't in the same house. You can pull off the red." The fact that Kaycee laughed made Maggie's lips curl into a smirk. That was how it worked, though, right? He did what she told him to do. She was secretly Zeke's boss. Or not so secretly. Although they DID make decisions together too. Like Egypt.
Mhm. "A leash?!" Maggie both giggled and blushed a little, shaking her head. "No, that's too degrading. I don't want him to look unmanly." Like please. Nope. She liked him strong.
Speaking of strong though, she currently felt strong. And in charge. Like, properly. She had a BADGE and everything. Why had nobody given her a badge anyway? She totally deserved one. Although it was also a lot of work probably. Taking care of first years. Like, she wasn't a babysitter. "I do like the red." Maggie agreed with a nod and a quick twirl. "I could never wear pink with it though." Which was sad and also why Zeke wasn't allowed to wear his robes when she was wearing pink. "It would've been cool if you'd have been in the same house though, yeah." Like, her, Kaycee and Dante hanging out in the Common Room every evening.
They HAD missed out on bestie time. |