Thread: International Cooperation Conference Room
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Old 11-02-2016, 02:02 PM   #21 (permalink)

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Default No worries, Ali <3
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Giving Emily a glance when she spoke up, Charles nodded. That was definitely something that the woman should be doing. "I'm assuming MLE are more than happy to keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe." he replied with an approving tone. His gaze and attention turned to Ryden when he spoke up. He didn't like the idea of using MLE to monitor and track. Maybe they could give them a few tips and pointers, but the department had to do some work of their own. The crisis plan was a good idea, though. He did agree with Erec on that. Adding to his words, he spoke up to make sure everyone knew he agreed with Erec. "I doubt MLE will be overly pleased with more work on their plate even if Gidyun is the one leading them now. They already do so much and we have immigration officers who are employed to keep an eye on and deal with illegal immigrants." Charles also agreed that the spells would be unwelcome. "People want their privacy. They're here to work, visit, live or something else along those lines. They don't need to feel like we're watching them every second."

The other words from Erec actually gained a proper nod from Charles. Jumping to conclusions with half the story was useless. He was musing over that for a moment, but when Regina spoke, Charles looked at her once more and gave her a curious look. "When you say all departments, are you also including those that have high level of security? Because I don't believe that we have the jurisdiction to go into those departments without express permission and going through a LOT of red tape." That would take at least a year to set up! He looked back to Erec when he acknowledged the undercover buyers thing. "Maybe we could get some training from level two for those who are going out. It would likely be basic, but basic is better than nothing." He knew that they wouldn't mind that, it would mean less work for MLE if they took a little more time at the start of the year. Once he'd said his piece, Charles looked to the Minister and fell silent so she could speak to them all.
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