Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Having had some spare time between lessons and already eaten an early lunch with the boyfriend, Hadleigh was currently walking the corridors. Not only was it a nice form of exercise but it was also a way to clear her head and not to mention part of her Head Girl duties.
Down a flight of stairs. Along another corridor. Making a left. Or a right. More stairs and corridors to walk. Really it was rather tedious at times but she LOVED it. Rounding another corner taking her down yet another corridor, her nose wrinkled instantly. Weasley Swamp. One of her least favorite places in the whole castle and the grounds. Mainly due to the smell alone. Luckily all she had to do was keep walking as not many people choose this area as a place to linger near, thank Merlin.
As she drew nearer that's when she heard it. A call for 'Snowball'. The name didn't register right away with her as many people used that name for something white in color. The voice did however and it made her pause, eyes shifting around until they landed on her fellow snakette and band mate. "Nat? Everything okay?" Hady questioned walking over to the girl and looking around. She was staring at the swamp. Was that something white out there? Has snowball been taken by something and put into the swamp?She was in a panic not sure where her fluffy friend was. Hearing a voice she finally turned her head. Seeing one of her good friends and band members she shook her head. "No" Chewing her lip and looking back to the swamp. "I can't find snowball and I've looked everywhere. He never leaves the dorm without being on my shoulder." So it was really odd that he wasn't there. "I've looked all over the place. I wouldn't think a pygmy puff could get too far, but I ended up here and..." her words just stopped there and her eyes moved back to the swamp. "I don't think he'd go out there, but there is something white out there and I don't know what it is. Romangotmesnowball." There was that to and she was about to break down because she had to find her furball.
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