For Erin and Dora Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁
"So yeh aunt's due before the summer 'olidays?" Sam continued the conversation as she opened the door to Greenhouse Two. "Maybe they'll share me birthday...s'only, what, three and a half months away?" That sounded about right, at least. Three and a half months and she'd be 14. So much had happened in the last year, and she briefly wondered if it was too early to start planning her first ever birthday party.
She carefully shut the door behind them, and headed towards the bench that carried the herbs. She loved running her fingers lightly over the leaves of the sage and lavender, before smelling them. YUM. "So 'ow're your cousins takin' the news?"
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