MO & DMLE Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Dragonstone
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Lyric Bayliss-Black Slytherin Fourth Year x12 x12
| Post 1: We're fond of these! Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese Toddling back to get a bit more soil, the Gryffindor carefully collected and toted a scoopful towards her workstation... opting to 'top off' her pot before refocusing her efforts on this coal!black, more fascinating specimen. The one she'd personally gotten excited for. Again, just between us. She'd never dream of offending the Herbology Professor by suggesting any of his flowers were lame or pointless.
... And as for the classroom fires and dramatics, she hardly cared as it had nothing to personally do with her. If Liv wasn't the one causing the drama, the drama simply wasn't important. To her. Such is the way of dramatic Glittery!Lions.
Hmmm, but these Floor Flowers.... How neat and dramatic would it be, though, to toss one of these roses into a fire to activate transport? -- 'Donovan, I'm leaving you!' (fiery flower toss) 'I bid thee, adieu.' -- It'd be something to consider for a theatre project, maybe... which she'd be doing alone moving forward; given things. Things not to be thought of right in this moment.
Pausing in her work to jot these notes down, Olivia cursed herself once more for NOT remembering the Quick Quotes quill Blaise had purchased for her. The blonde could've saved herself leagues of trouble if she'd just allow something to do her writing for her. Alas, her terrible memory. TODAY... once she got back to the dorms, she'd remember to place the quill carefully into her bag. Merlin, help her remember...
Ahem, so... Ashy soil composite thanks to the slow erosion? of the black roses themselves. Hot to the touch, meaning she'd need to keep her gloves on... From the way Professor Myers explained the process, it didn't seem lengthy or complication, so Olivia felt confident diving right into the activity. Moving amongst the roses carefully, so not to knock any of her classmates into the burning plants, she went about carefully selecting her five petals. She was supposed to pull all five, individually, from different plants, and she wondered at that, pausing in her plucking to raise her voice. "Sir, why do you think it's best to collect the petals from different flowers?" Each different Floo Flower grouping was considered a different specimen, yea? That might've been incorrect... She'd just watched the muggle ID channel once and they'd mentioned that there could be notable differences in comparing like plants. Or something. Too much thinking. Eh, don't mind her brain.
Back to collecting her petals. One from five different Floo Flowers presented to them. As was mentioned, they were kinda already disintegrating right between her fingertips, but Liv did her best in keeping them whole, even having to recollect two of the petals when ones previously gathered totally fell apart. EH. Notes to learn about "gentle"... "Gentle" was tough for Gryffindors, didn't you know?
Now.... just pound them in the mortar? Like potions ingredients? A fine dust was mentioned, but she wasn't nearly as dubious about the task, as the petals were already pretty degradated. Collecting a pestle, as well, she set to work, rubbing the end in and around the bowl of the mortar. For a solid five minutes.... finally putting the pestle to the side to find that the petals were, indeed, dusted.
Labeling her baggy before filling it, Liv slowly dumped the dusty contents through the opening. After sealing it up, she trekked back to her workstation.... Er, was she supposed to clean the things after she'd used them? Quote: Olivia Lynn Phillips
Third Year Gryffindor .
__________________ We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____