Post 2 - Catch up ♥♥ Charmed One ♥♥ Queen of the North♥♥ Woah! Bella watched as the rosebush quickly started to burn again. It was no longer safe to handle, so she pointed her wand at it again and casted the water charm for a second time to dowse the flames. That did the trick, but she wonders how long it'll take before it started to burn again. She didn’t want to waste anytime just in case it did.
Careful not to damage any part of the rosebush she dug it out of the dirt, while trying to pay attention just in case the flowers ignited again. She got it into the pot before the fire started to come back to life and she quickly poured more water on it. That was close. Bella thought as she continued to fill the rest of the pot with dirt. She carefully pressed it down making sure it was nice and secure before she moved on to anything else.
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