Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen It had been TOO long since she'd last seen her friend.
Too long.
How were they going to survive next year?
Taking the other girl's arm Maggie beamed at her. "Great! I don't have my- Hugo's. "-Prefects badge on me though." Hehe. But she could be like Assistant Prefect or something. Yes, that sounded right. Kaycee grinned, looping her arm with that of the Slytherin. Seriously. How were they going to survive next year? They spent entirely too much of their time together. She'd miss her Maggie. Especially when something embarrassing happened to someone else. Which, given she'd be living in New York City, was bound to happen at least 12 times a day.
She nodded. Shame. Maggie should always have Hugo's badge. Seriously. "It's fine. You can borrow mine. If you don't mind the Gryffindor status, that is." she said reaching to undo the badge from her shirt.
__________________ I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________  _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You |