Thread: Bed 3
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Old 10-18-2016, 01:29 AM   #12 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mackenzie Alistaire Mordaunt
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Yoji Christopher Reed
First Year
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Default Lulz XD
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy

SPOILER!!: Healer Joy, Professors Marchand and Hirsh ^^
Originally Posted by Joy Miller View Post
SPOILER!!: You two lovelies!

The red headed Healer couldn't be more proud of young Jace's strength and determination to get himself to the hospital wing. The boy did not complain once, he was a trooper alright. At noticing the limping she might have certainly cast another simply healing charm on him to ensure a bit more comfortable walk.

Once inside the hospital wing Joy showed Jace to a bed allowing him a few moments to get settled in. While he was doing this she did take a few moments to return to her storage room and gather what she would need to help heal him more effectively. This only took a few minutes, long enough that he should be settled in by the time she got to the bed.

"Ah, Professor Marchand, so glad you decided to join us," Joy smiled warmly at him. It was much easier then having to hunt the man down to heal his injuries after taking care of the younger Ravenclaw. Hearing what was being said between the professor and student a small frown crossed her face. "Oh my, no no, you are both not to blame here. This is all on those pesky poltergeist. You two best believe I will be speaking with the Headmaster when I'm through here." Three injuries from those pests in a matter of minutes. Something needed to be done!

"Mr. Reed, here's another potion for you. This one will help relieve any discomfort you're feeling and allow you to relax, get some sleep even if you like." She passed the boy the vial and then got a cup of water to wash it down with for him. Once the potion was taken she could effectively continue healing his injuries so that he could simply rest. Then she would move on to checking over Gaston.
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Text Cut: Jace & Joy

Gaston could barely bring himself to look at the young Ravenclaw. He half-expected the boy to be angry at him for letting this happen - and he wouldn't have blamed him one bit if he was - but instead there was only panic in his eyes and in his voice. Had he caused that? Now he felt even guiltier than ever!

He could barely believe his ears as this brave boy who hardly batted an eye at his own injury practically begged him not to blame himself for what had happened. Well, this was ironic... a student trying to comfort a professor. It was supposed to be the other way around! Gaston tried to assume a calm facade for Jace's sake, but the Ravenclaw's words touched his heart and threatened his already tenuous hold on his emotions.

Neither did you... he thought when the boy said he didn't know this would happen, but his injuries and and emotions made it impossible for him to speak. All he could do was stare at the floor for several moments, hoping no one would notice the tears he was blinking back. With a heavy sigh followed by a wince, Gaston finally forced himself to look up at the young Ravenclaw. "I-I was only doing my job. there's n-no need to thank me... and certainly no need to apologize!" he said. "N-now... please relax. Don't mind me..."

He managed a weak smile when Joy arrived and told him almost exactly the same thing he'd told Mr. Montezor earlier. it seemed he had a hard time taking his own advice! "Maybe I should come back later..." he said, blushing in embarrassment at his moment of weakness. All he was doing here was putting everyone on edge and making everything worse!
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Unbelievable. That was what this news was. Unbelievable.

News travelled fast at Hogwarts and so, naturally, it wasn't long before it reached the ears of one Defence Professor. The man had been marking away and ignoring the letter from his mother when word arrived about the status of one of his students, making him drop everything to get here.

Robes billowing out behind him, Hirsch strode quickly into the Hospital Wing, only really pausing to look around. Spotting the young Ravenclaw and the company around his bed, the man strode on over towards them. While he would've displayed a general aura of cool, there was a sense of urgency in his step as well as a frown on his face.

What was that word again? Unbelievable.

"My apologies for intruding, Healer Joy." Though there was hardly anything apologetic about his features right now. "Hello, Jace, how are you feeling?"

And Gaston got somewhat of a smile. Nice of him to be here.

Poltergeists? Peeves and Miffy?

Jace wasn’t even surprised when Healer Joy had mentioned the two. One didn’t have to be as brilliant as Albus Dumbledore to know why all of this happened. Apparently the protest is still ongoing, isn’t it? Although the Ravenclaw understood why they were causing havoc, he thought that purposefully imposing accidents on professors and students alike is too much.

Still somehow, Jace felt ashamed of what happened. On his part, if he was not so careless about the overdue books, this wouldn’t happen to him…to Owen…and to Professor Marchand. And just when he thought he accepted the fact that news will reach his Head of House, the Headmaster was also dragged in the conversation. Just…what exactly will his father tell him this time?

Deciding not to respond, Jace obediently took the potion from the Healer and drank it in one go, making a face as he gulped the solution. Switching the vial for the glass of water, the Ravenclaw took just a sip not wanting to dilute the potion he just drank. The thirteen year old slowly looked at the disappointed professor, forcing himself to think of a way to make him feel okay. He’d never encountered an adult like him before! “Professor…sensei…I think I’d feel better if you stay? Healer Joy has to check you too.” And he would love to have his company.

Jace went back to his own thoughts as he procured his clay golem from his pocket. It got smashed really badly from his fall, and the Ravenclaw just stared at it for a moment. Well, it looks like he won’t be visiting the Defense professor soon. A sigh escaped from the boy as he felt the soothing effect of the potion he just drank. However, upon hearing the hurried thudding of shoes against the floor, Jace drew in a breath as he saw who it was. His toes curled under his feet, his shoulder tense…and his face pretty much paled at the sight of his Head of House. His chocolate brown eyes darted from Healer Joy, to Professor Marchand, then to his broken arm. “I-I’m okay now, professor. My arm just needs fixing.” He said, keeping his head down, obviously embarrassed. And...was he going to get a good scolding too? Jace had seen the frown professor.

"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio
Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
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