Ryunosuke Hollingberry
Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Ministry Sentinel
former Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Himitsumahou Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Hogwarts Class 2070
Model: Ian Anthony Dale
post color ::#0D4F8B aka indigo dye Name: Ryunosuke Hollingberry
Nicknames: Ryu
DOB: August 20, 2052
POB: Yuzawa, Niigata, JAPAN
Heritage: half-blood
Patronus: TBA
Wand: 13 inch springy Cedar with Phoenix Feather
House: Gryffindor
Favourite subjects: Charms & Defense Against the Dark Arts
Weakest subjects: Care of Magical Creatures & Herbology
Ancient Runes - A
Arithmancy - A
Charms - E
Herbology - A
History of Magic - O
Muggle Studies - O
Potions - E
Transfiguration - O
Ancient Runes - E
Charms - O
History of Magic - O
Muggle Studies - O
Potions - A
Transfiguration - O
Pets: none
single but ready to mingle?
✚ appearance Hair color: black
Eye color: chocolate
Height: 183 cm (approx. 6'0")
Build: athletic
Defining physical features: scar running down his right shoulder blade; moderate metamorphagus abilities ✚ personality The oldest of the Hollingberry children, Ryunosuke is by far the most protective out of all of his siblings. Needing to grow up very quickly due to his household environment, Ryunosuke took it upon himself to take care of his younger brothers and sister, especially when their mother refused to lend a helping hand due to magical abilities surfacing. While fiercely protective, he is also incredibly hot headed and he quick to jump into a fight. While some write him off as a bit of a brute and bully, he has a real sensitive side granted to those who gain his trust. ✚ bonded by blood Father: Charles Hollingberry
Mother: Yukie Hollingberry (nee Kurokawa) deceased
Brothers: Takeshi (Hogwarts class of 2071) & Junichiro (Hogwarts class of 2072)
Sister: Kurumi Rasting (nee Hollingberry) (Hogwarts class of 2079) ✚ prequel The first born child of Charles and Yukie Hollingberry, Ryunosuke exhibited the metamorphagus traits (although very limited) of his father at a very young age. With a mother who refused to acknowledge the magical world and denied its presence in their home, Ryunosuke was surly and reckless until the birth of his sister. With their father being away at work in England most of the year, he often times was the sole provider for his siblings and was forced to grow up very fast. Often in trouble for getting into fist fights, he was quick to defend his sister's honor when she was constantly bullied by her classmates. Upon receiving his letter to Hogwarts, he refused to go in fear that the severity of the bullying would be too much for his sister to handle and thus introduced her to the art of kendo in hopes of teaching her discipline and ways to defend herself.