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Old 10-16-2016, 05:20 PM   #265 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harvey Jarvis
Second Year
Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus

NAME:Eleonora Bloom

AGE: 24 (Nov 3 - Scorpio)

HOUSE: Ravenclaw

- long blond hair
- grey eyes
- tall (5’11)
- slim
- has scarred right hand (dragon incident when she was a child)
- likes jewellery, often mixing gold and silver - never tacky though, always classy
- likes her heels


Mother - Florence Bloom (Hufflepuff) - worked at St Mungo’s, her quick reaction and expertise at caring for her daughter at home when she recovered is the main reason Ellie recovered with full mobility of her arm. Pure-blood. Quidditch fan and player during her time at Hogwarts.

Father- Daniel Bloom (Hufflepuff) - Herbology researcher, crazy plants in their garden - might have been the reason that the dragon laid her egg there - and so many tall plants that probably the reason it had been hidden until it hatched - possibly mother dragon couldn’t find it. Muggle-born (the novelty of all these plants possibly why he was so interested in them too). Forgetful, spectacled, passionate about his work to the extent of sometimes losing track of reality. Ellie is convinced he wouldn’t survive a week without her mother taking care of him.

- both of Ellie’s parents were good students but not top of their class, quiet and friendly and open in a shy way, though open to show their love in family, an openness and acceptance of themselves which Ellie secretly envies them
- they met at Hogwarts
- Ellie is their only daughter, they always worry and are overprotective, though they also wish they understood her better
- she looks a lot like her Mum (hair and face), though her height is from her Dad, and her slim figure



At age five found a newly hatched dragon in the back garden, tried to take care of it and got severely burnt on her arm, which never quote healed. Ellie spent a lot of time at St Mungo’s having her hand fixed as best as possible, and then in her house while she recovered full mobility. It is in this period that she acquired a taste for books and learning, and decided she wanted as little to do with the outdoors as humanly possible, finding interested and likes which supported her urban-focused interests.

Her injury possibly bred Ellie’s obsession with aesthetics, appearance, and perfectionism. Homeschooled as most kids are, but knew far fewer kids from wizarding families than others because of her injury and subsequent dislike of the outdoors. Loves libraries, spent a lot of free time there.

She was raised on both wizarding and Muggle toys / games / pastimes - since she had more time because of her injury, and because her parents both wanted to pass on their individual heritages to her.

She did go through a phase of blaming her accident on her father, and didn’t want to indulge in anything Muggle-related for a while, but after numerous conversations with her Mum, and realising her father blamed himself even without her blaming him too, she relented.

Adolescence / Hogwarts

Had a cat from her first year - begged her parents for one for almost a year before getting her letter, arguing she didn’t want to be alone and this ways she would have a part of home with her. White she-cat ‘Cas’ (Casablanca - her favourite movie). Refused offers of an owl, however, seeing the animals as far dirtier and therefore wanting as little as possible to do with them.

Was sorted very quickly, especially considering she was the first of her family in Ravenclaw (mostly Hufflepuffs before her, her grandfather on her mother’s side was a Slytherin, and a there is a distant Gryffindor cousin). She had desperately wanted to be in this house, though, and suspected that her strong desire for it had a lot to do with the Sorting Hat’s decision.

Ellie spent most of her time indoors, a lot of it in the library. She was top of her class in almost everything (except those subjects which included outside activities. Having a Herbologist for a father (that, and a fantastic memory) made her top of that class too, despite her avoidance and disgust at any practical work required. She was well-liked generally, though didn’t have many close friends - one boy (Thomas Darwin - they are still in touch, though he currently lives in New York and so they don’t see each other often. Shared perfectionism, valuing of appearances, inside activities). Some girls in her year tried using her for her brains, though as soon as Ellie realised why they were being friendly she hexed their quills and homework for a month afterwards so that her two classmates were in detention for almost an entire term. Nobody tried messing with her afterwards.

Ellie and her father didn’t seem to have much of a common language when Ellie was a teen though, what with their totally opposite interests, but with effort and time they bridged this and are as close as can be these days (Ellie plans regular quality time with both her parents: Muggle movies with her father, cooking / baking with her mother) - even if Ellie feels like she has to take care of her father more than he does of her sometimes (she frequently encourages him to attempt to be a bit more independent to take some pressure off her mother though). She is closer with her mother perhaps in terms of having more of an understanding, and he tries to visit her parents at least once a month.


Travelled some, spent time in New York with Thomas for a while, assisting him in the fashion world job (he is a designer). She did a lot of make-up related jobs, discovered a fascination with Muggle photography and took some courses in that. She had a (what she thought was) a serious boyfriend there too (Thomas’s flatmate), and eve considered finding a permanent position in the same company Thomas worked for - until it turned out Greg (Ilvermony graduate, Horned Serpent) had been cheating on her for most of their relationship (almost five years).

Then and there she packed and moved back to the UK, living with her parents for a while as she tried to figure everything out for herself, working in a local library as she recovered her sense of self and direction and love for life and books. Meditation and yoga also helped her control her fears and panicked thought circles. Realising she wasn’t getting enough out of her job (both in material terms and personal growth), she decided to apply for a Ministry job. Cas accompanied her on all these travels, and had now moved to London with her, ready to begin a new life.


Open, friendly, quite talkative, always polite, though she is very reserved with any personal feelings or issues, not quick to fully open up. Secretly insecure, though she hides this through acting confident (“fake it til you make it”) and putting so much effort into her appearance. She blames this on her childhood accident - though she doesn’t act it, she does always notice people noticing her hand, and part of her love of makeup and accessories is in the hope of having theses draw attention away from her skin.

After her incident with Greg in New York, she is not exactly trusting of men and fears commitment and having her heard broken again. She enjoys flirting, but is careful not to take anything too far, resigned to being a bookish cat lady, even though she keeps turning heads. She doesn’t notice this as much as she used to, though, since her priorities have changed.

- daily sudoku and/or crossword (commute to work)
- daily yoga / pilates
- though usually wears heels, there is always a pair of flats in case of emergencies in her bag / desk
- pulling sleeves over her hands (always has something long-sleeved with her, usually on her unless it’s unbearably hot or something) - especially her right one
- tidies when she’s nervous

- self-discipline
- confidence
- though quick to anger, also quick to forgive
- loyal and trustworthy - therefore makes good friend
- fantastic memory (taught herself to build memory castles as a child)

- excessive attention to detail - very picky / critical
- quick to anger
- judgmental, especially of appearances (people and all other things) - though open to changing initial opinions, not set in stone for her
- is almost always 3-5 minutes late to EVERYTHING - which people who know her find amusing since it goes against most of her personality

- clothes / shoes / handbags - and shopping for all of the above
- reading / learning
- Muggle movies
- intellectual debates and puzzles
- makeup and hair products
- sleeping in late (though she rarely lets herself do this)

- rural areas / countrysides
- dirt and dust
- rudeness and/or ignorance (especially of etiquette)
- excessive calories - mostly on herself
- imperfection of any kind (there is often some criticism she will have, though time with she has learned not to share everything with others)
- dragons (and most other animals - except for cats. Tolerates owls - for the practical necessities of post only though)
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