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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Once Henry finished his own apple, he drew his arm back and threw the core across the grounds just as Genny did. "I guess that's what makes us all different," he said as he watched the core sail away, then turned to look at the girl sitting next to him. "The way we see things or react. Not necessarily good or bad, just different." He liked that people were different, it made them interesting. "Sometimes when I'm angry or have a lot of pent-up energy, I do things to relieve the stress, like running or working out in the training room." He really liked doing MMA stuff for that reason. "I bet hitting bludgers is great for relieving stress too," he added with a grin. Maybe the satisfaction of feeling the bat against the iron balls was one reason that Genny chose that position to play.
Henry looked at the girl next to him a bit curiously as she explained more about Brooklyn. He wasn't sure why she was blushing though. Had he embarrassed her somehow? Oh... the more she continued, the more Henry thought she might have a crush on the older girl. Or maybe she thought she shouldn't have shared a piece of gossip. Maybe he shouldn't assume. "Yeah, sure, there's a few people I've been attracted to, in a way like that I guess." He wasn't sure if she meant if he liked any girls or in a way like some people just drew you to them because of their personalities, and you just had to get to know them better. But he could say so on both accounts for sure. Genny watched Henry's apple soar in the air, a little higher than hers, before it started sinking down down almost reaching the lake's edge. It was an impressive throw, one that was obviously from a Quidditch player. "Maybe. But there's no in between, it's either good or bad." She disagreed lightly. It wasn't quite clear to her yet what he meant by people being just different without being labeled good or bad. People were either good or bad.
Those were good suggestions, so she nodded at him. "Yeah.. it still takes a lot to not act during the angry moment and save it for the training room." She chuckled. Her problem was probably timing. She couldn't keep anything in unless it was a TINY bit of anger, otherwise it all came flowing out of her mouth until she was clean. It was good for her health because she was rarely found worrying or overthinking or being miserable, but she was quite often guilty about it. "I want to try out for the U-17 team this summer." She grinned back at Henry.
That was an unhelpful answer but Genny figured wasn't interested in sharing WHO those people were, so she didn't push it. Plus, once Quidditch was being discussed everything else was shoved to the side and lost its value. |