Thread: Shrieking Shack
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Old 10-15-2016, 07:05 AM   #14 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Anything Dora had been thinking or trying to say just kind of stuck in her throat. Like... she hadn't expected that. "You mean that? You will go with me? For reals? Where would you like to go?" Given Sam not going on holiday with her before... this meant a lot to Dora. More, perhaps, than her best friend could ever know. For REALS. The Gryffindor might have even been fighting back tears at the moment.

Probably not though. Probs just some dirt in her eyes. Yeah that.

"He was clear. That was for you." She gave a nod as she pulled Sam in closer to her side. She had no idea what her Dad had done for her... and she didn't question him often. Her best friend's words that followed brought another smile to her face. A soft one. "He is really the greatest. But he doesn't treat you anY differently than he does me or Al, you know. You.. you do know that, right?" She was sure Sam would reject the money if she thought Nic was treating her... better than the rest of them.

But that wasn't the case. He loved Sam just like family.

A leg up? FOR REAL? Dora shot her friend a GLANCE before scaling the fence with ease. No need for assistance. She might not have grown up quite like Sam had, but she knew how to climb and snoop around just fine! "Waiting on you, mate!"
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