Thread: High Street
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Old 10-13-2016, 12:48 AM   #7 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
A certain fourth year Slytherin happened to be one of the people passing the young Gryffindor.

Phillip had his hands tucked deep into the pocket of his coat as he trudged down the lane and into Hogsmeade. Instinct told him to go into the Three Broomsticks first and to get himself a nice, hot glass of butterbeer but, uh, he had some sweets to get as well. The stash wasn't going to re-stock itself, you know.

It was just as he was passing by a store he HARDLY went into that he saw.......



Well this was awkward.

The boy stopped and just looked at the Gryffindor. NONE of their meetings had gone according to plan, even with the confusion and yet, here she was, smiling at everyone. Maybe......... maybe she was in a good mood? Because if THAT was the case, he could risk greeting her without getting his head bitten off in the process.

He was going to risk it.

Approaching her, the Slytherin leaned against the store front as well before saying, "Having fun?"
Pffft. She didn't BITE his head off. Ever. Phillip was just as guilty of being a poo as Dora was, ya know. But she HAD sent him an owl LONG AGO kind of explaining all of the things... and apologizin to him.


No apologies to other HORRIBLE people tho.


She had spotted Phillip LONG BEFORE he settled in beside her, but Dora smlied at him as he spoke. "I'm good and free. You? " could he BE seen with other people and not DIE later? Was that acceptable? Dora didn't worry for herself... it may be Phillip worried about the TIGHT CHAIN HE WAS ON

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