Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once... Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin The sixth year nodded and continued to stare at her. He thought the black dress was stunning. "No no you don't. It's totally fine." he told her about the dress. "We should have planned our outfits better.." he joked and added in a little chuckle. "Yeah I know it was cliche and all but I figured I would try something out.." As by try something out, using a suggestion made by his cousin that got him a shoo in for his date. "I am happy to see you too.." he grinned and reached for her hand across the table and squeezed it. Simple gestures always work. He wondered if he should kiss on her cheek or not. He figured not for right now. Don't wanna push it.
He let go of her hand and looked at his menu and decided on some hot cocoa with marshmallows of course. He was gonna order a huge mug too. He heard her question when she asked about his break. "Oh well it was good. I mean Australia is always nice to visit. I loved surfing and going zip lining. I didn't get much presents since that trip was part of my gift. My aunt got me this bracelet though.." he showed to her. "How was your break?" Juliette was trying hard not to blush, but since she was pale as sand, she was sure her cheeks were already pinker than her blush she had put on. He was staring at her, and what else was she suppose to do?! The way he looked at her was a compliment all in its own, and that alone made me feel flattered. "We should have but this date was short notice after all." She smiled. "I do like that polo shirt on you though." EEEEP. Her heart fluttered a little when he reached for her hand and squeezed it, and she returned the gesture. Lost for words, that's what she was right now.
She tried not to look disappointed when he let go of her hand, but she distracted herself with the food that was on the menu. "I've never surfed nor zip lined in my entire life." Surfing did sound fun minus the falling off the board part of it, but thought of zip lining scared her... She looked at his bracelet and commented, "I love it! Is it handmade?" She shrugged a little at his question about her break. "I stayed a few days in Nevada with Uncle Logan then we went to South Africa to see Uncle Nick... Since my family is scattered everywhere, it seems we're always on the road." She paused for a second. "I did get to see mum for a week. It was nice."
__________________  _______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye. |