Originally Posted by
The Narrator
As if wax wasn't bad enough, out of nowhere the staircase turns into a slide. Things have gotten a whole lot slipperier. Best grab a firm hold of the banisters if you don't want to take a tumble right to the bottom.
Originally Posted by
Owen had came from the higher levels of the castle again to do some stalking exploring. But he got bored after a short while. A little hungry too, so he decided to just go down and whip something up for himself in the Kitchens.
He was jiving to his upbeat humming when he noticed Peeves and Miffy from his peripheral vision. Ack! Retreat retreat! Trouble alert!
...Too late.
He had already taken a step on the moving staircases and to his horror realized that they were slippery! WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING TO HOGWARTS?! The 4th year flailed, tried to grab whichever was close to reach. But there was nothing and he was sliding...down?
Look out below!
MERLINMERLINMERLIN someone was ahead of him. asjbfkbdk!! He was going to crash against whoever that was......
*insert horrible crashing sounds here*
His mind wandered a bit as he realized that this could be a wonderful exercise to strengthen his core, given that he needed all the leg power he could muster for his upcoming grading in a few months time. Jace was doing really good at not slipping when something else caught his attention.
Wait...the stairs aren't supposed to move yet.
What was going on?!
Slowly turning, Jace's eyes grew big as saucers as he saw THE Owen Montezor plummet towards him. Instinct told him to slide on the side to prevent the crash, but it proved to be futile when the stairs decided to turn into a slide, giving him no choice but to clash with the huge Hufflepuff.
Books flew out of his hands, some were torn, the others plummeted to the ground below. The poor Ravenclaw fell to the nearest landing with the Hufflepuff, and he ended up pinned underneath the older student.
No sound came from Jace albeit the profuse bleeding on his forehead, and his left arm in a weird angle. The Ravenclaw was obviously knocked out cold.