10-08-2016, 05:18 AM
Arithmancy Lesson One: Life-Path & Vibrational Numbers It’s already mid-December. A few short days until the train arrives and everyone can go home and see their families for winter break – if they are leaving that is. To celebrate the cheer of the end of the season Professor Carraro has left foil wrapped orange flavored chocolates on all of the desks.
On the blackboard next to the class instructions is a rather large chalk drawing of a stag. On the board next to the stag is a note asking students to please still use their entire names on the nametag. Quote:
Originally Posted by theboard Please feel free to open your chocolates.
To open: remove the cardboard packaging and cup hand around the top of the orange.
Proceed to slam or lightly smack the orange into the table
Remove the foil & enjoy Question One: What is Arithmancy/What is the Purpose? Question Two: What is Arithmancy Connected to at Hogwarts? Question Three: How are Arithmancy & Astrology connected? Life Path & Vibrational Numbers :: Activity Clarifying Things Group Up - Discussion/Activity OOC: Please make sure you're familiar with Raf's Rules as well as with SS Site Rules before posting. Class will continue in about 12 hours at roughly 1:00PM EST or 5:00 PM GMT. Class has started but please feel free to continue posting here just pretend you have already arrived.
Please note that this is NOT your first ARITHMANCY lesson of term, even if it's the first one being held by me this term. |