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Old 10-07-2016, 12:13 PM
hermionesclone hermionesclone is offline
Default DADA Lesson One - The Battle

An arena, much like the Dueling Arena in fact, has been set up for the practical portion of this lesson. As you enter the arena, you notice a number of things: for one, it's completely bare of, well, anything. There are no stands, no platforms, no seating area, in fact. The vast majority of the room is empty.

And yet, it's full enough to give you an inkling as to what might be about to happen.

Along the left hand side of the area stands four flags: red, yellow, blue and green, all distanced equally along the side of the room. These flags stand in front of a sectioned off portion of the room, otherwise known as the Safe Zone. Confused? You might be.

On the right hand side of the room stands four heavy-set, seven feet tall figures, one directly opposite each of the flags. Though the Golems are identical in height and build, they are each made up of a different material: ice, stone, glass and wood. For the time being, the Golems stand there unmoving from their positions, almost as if they were your everyday statues.

Want to have a closer look? Better do that now........

class progression:
main lesson:
- What are the Dark Arts and who decides if they're dark and/or even illegal?
- About the Dark Arts + what is the fourth factor in casting dark magic?
- What other branches of magic can be linked to the Dark Arts?
- How can you turn your clay sculpture to do a dark bidding? And what is a Golem?
- About the Golem + what are some light uses for them?
- Moving!

practical portion:
- Small explanation about the main activity
- Golem post
- Golem post
- Golem post
- Golem post
- Golem post
- That's all, folks!

OOC: Please make sure you're familiar with Hirsch's rules as well as the SS site rules before posting. Class has begun over here but you're more than welcome to jump in, even if you haven't been part of the theoretical portion. Just pretend as though your charrie has been there the entire time. Hope you have fun! ^^

Feel free to have your charrie exploring the Golems, if they want to. They won't do anything for now.....