Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
A Kappa? Hirsch actually approached the young Gryffindor and the Head Boy's desk and peered down at the figure that had been made, slightly amused. "Well, you're right: there's no way you could make a dark creature any more evil than it already is. Particularly one that strangles you to death. Giving it a bit of life will be enough to make it dark, in a sense." He gave the figure another look before continuing, "A headless kappa is an odd sight but who's to say it won't still be dark? It might stumble a bit but it'll do the job."
.......... Lives in the dark? Obsessed with shiny things? GOLLUM?! Hirsch couldn't help it: he actually let out a small chuckle at the girl's answer, feeling his heart lift ever so slightly. "That creature from the muggle stories? The one who died for the ring?" Amused. He was amused. "As interesting as a lesson topic as that would be, no, not that Golem." "Now, last question before we move onto the activity: can anyone think of any lighter uses for Golems? Ones that aren't dark and deadly?" As it turned out, picking a seat next to the Head Boy was such a great decision. Look at the professor and how impressed he was with their headless Kappa. She was beaming, finally acting happy in this lesson, and even though her Gollum answer was not correct. It was worth a shot.
Those Golems creatures sounded interesting, though. Apart from having to learn Runes (prof Sack O Love's subject) Genny was ready to learn all the more about them. And look, they apparently had a non-deadly, non-dark usage. The bulbs in her head brightened at a thousand idea of how to use them. "Professor! Professor!" She raised her arm. "We can have them guard your yard. Or tree house." Tadaaaa!
Wait... did Tak just say that idea? Ekh. Ew. |