Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Going classes and getting by. Yep. That was life at Hogwarts alright.
Zeke couldn't help but chuckle though, cause he was sure every other wizarding school had an ace Quidditch program except for them. It was so dumb, so dumb. "No kidding," he mused to Colt. "Before I was a student here mum used to bring me to watch some of the matches, I still can't get over that it hasn't run in... forever." Like, a VERY long time. He was in his seventh year, that was saying something.
And just like that it was a done deal. Sly grin in place, Zeke nod his head in acknowledgement of Colt preferring Chaser anyway. Hah! Slipping on a pair of Keeper's gloves, Zeke mounted his broom and shot off to the hoops. "It's the only position I've ever really liked, since I was nine." Granted, without a school team his experiences were fairly limited, but he had natural athleticism which he liked to think gave him an edge. "How 'bout you?" he asked in return, wondering what he was up against. "Man do you remember hearing about the Quidditch world cup? I mean I would love to have been there. Seeing Dumstrang and Ireland beat each other.." Man he wished he could have but he wouldn't want to experience the dark mark matter afterwards. "I am wondering why they don't bring quidditch back here. I mean I am sure there would be a following ya know?" He knew other people who would play. "I mean I guess for now we can deal with scrimmages..." It still wasn't the same though as playing with a crowd like an actual game.
Now onto the task at hand, trying to score past Zeke. Oh? So he liked keeper since he was nine? Man that was dedication. After he let Zeke finish, he replied with "Well I played since I was 10 when my cousins and such needed an extra player. They wanted me to be chaser since they preferred to be keeper. You don't have to run around much and plus goal keeping wasn't my thing. I like to be in the action of scoring..." he grinned. He threw the ball at him for Zeke to catch. He hoped he wasn't paying attention because he didn't give much warning.
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