SPOILER!!: BrianWoods in the house, watch your spouse
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Brian looked around, somewhat bored at the presence of another Auror. Or a trainee. Whichever way, it definitely made the subject look like its only purpose was if a person was intending to go into Magical Law Enforcement, which was largely irrelevant if you were a person like Brian Woods who had absolutely zero plans of a career in anything even remotely magical. Unless you consider technology magic, which - let's be real - it kinda was. Because any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And in many, many cases, it was much cooler than magic. Though he'd chalk that up to the sheer amount of redundant things he learned how to make happen with a wand.
So. Brian would give the most nonchalant of nonchalant answers. What defined dark magic? "Intent. If I wanted to Rictusempra you to death, professor, it would be Dark Magic, regardless of the fact that tickling is perfectly harmless normally." And on that note, he'd return his attention to his modelling clay.
Which he was shaping into the shape of a Lithium atom. With the electrons moving in the correct orbitals. Remind him again why he took this class?
The clay was cool to the touch and for sometime Aslan has just mushed, smushed, rolled and otherwise played with the clay without intention or meaning. She was enjoying this activity and the presence of the auror, though unusual and nothing to do with her own interests was interesting at the very least.
Not that Brian seemed to feel so. The Prefect's boredom was as obvious as the clay in her palms, and though usually it would amuse her, today it seemed to irk her. She wasn't sure why, it was a traditional Brian Woods trait and something she had grown quite accustomed to during the last few years. This led Aslan to the very simple conclusion that her feelings were irrational and emotional in nature.
She sighed with some frustration turning her attention to the Professor's question as she began rolling the clay again in her palms, this time shaping it carefully into a near perfect sphere.
Aslan had read much on the subject of dark magic, but then again she'd read much on any magical subject so perhaps this was no surprise, but dark magic was.... An especially fascinating branch. Often she had read that many believed dark magic to be stronger in nature, that even a weak wizard could become great with the right dark training. Aslan, personally, believed that whether or not dark magic was evil was subjective and depended entirely on the practicing witch or wizard's definition.
She had not expected the Yati to speak, nor has she expected him to echo her own thinking.
Suddenly, the lesson seemed much more interesting. She raised her hand.
"If it isn't intent, wand movement or incantation then could it be will?" Will and intent were quite different things in Aslan's mind.
"Casting stronger magic obviously takes strong will, but dark magic is naturally much more powerful, and can lead to corruption if not handled by a witch with a strong will or clear mind. It must take a will of iron to perform it without letting it consume you or to even get the magic to perform as you want it to... " her answer, was more musing aloud than anything else, but the thought had settled into her mind and wouldn't leave, among other thoughts.
She glanced to Daxton from her seat beside Brian Woods, he was staring out the window looking as unbothered as he ever did, but she had no doubt he was paying the subject attention.
"why is it that Durmstrang teaches darker strains of magic and Hogwarts doesn't?" She asked, dark eyes shifting from the YATI to Hirsch and back. She expected a real answer from the DADA professor and not something along the lines of
this isn't the time.