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Needless to say, Olivia was PUMPED FOR DEFENSE. Not only was it her FAVORITE subject (OF ALL THE SUBJECTS, shh, don't tell anyone), it was the one class she truly excelled in. After failures involving the other subject matter (namely Transfiguration and Arithmancy), a little success went a long way. Well, for her, anyway. It was probably a different situation for others.
Bopping brightly into the classroom (which was looking very normal and standard), the blonde noted that Professor Hirsch was chilling at his desk with someone she kinda recognized. He had one of those faces, you know? One that made you feel like you should probably know who he was even if you truly didn't. Distinguished and important, was what her mum would've described it as.
"Hello, Prince Erik!" No, no... Liv never called this man by his name. It just didn't suite him as well as her given pseudonym. Besides, everyone needed a little Disney in their lives. So, you know, get on that. You all could thank her later.
Aww, LOOKIT the ickle Ravenclaw, being precious and such.
Not thinking anything of it, the blonde parked herself right into the seat besides the small girl, her visage especially BRIGHT. "Hey, mind if I sit with you?" Not that Olivia was giving the poor girl much choice. She was already slipping on the extra set of gloves so she, too, could work with the clay. Anything creative, she was here for it.
Bloom was in the middle of observing an elder girl moulding her clay nearby when a voice asking to sit next to her called her attention. She turned and saw a blonde, beautiful girl , a slythering , already taking seat next to her.
" Not at all " she replied with a faint smile.
Blat! of all people an older slytherin with what seems to be a slytherin-like attitude had to sit next to me !
Trying to think of something else Bloom turned her attention to where it previously belonged only to find that her model overstepped her.
just my luck ...
Desperately , she tried to find another model to follow , but her attention got caught by the very girl who caused her alarmed state. She had begun
working with clay , and seemed to be good at it , her hands moved with agility which made any observer think moulding clay was the easiest thing on the world.
Bloom's eyes widened and then a small smile showed on her face.
she's very good indeed