1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me! SPOILER!!: Azura Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Azura walked into the Defense against the Dark arts classroom and she stopped as she saw someone else in there besides Professor Hirsch. She sent a hesitant wave to the other man before she smiled "Hello Professor Hirsch " She said with a warm grin as she looked behind them to see if there was anything written on the board..
There was..
She read it before turning and finding a seat near the front left of the room..
She settled down in her chair and stared to mold her clay with her hands.. Miranda arrived to defense against the Dark arts class a little early hoping to catch up with Brady or one of her friends before the lessen started. As she entered she saw the professor speaking with someone and she smiled a greeting, " Hello Professor Hirsch. You're looking well" And a nod to the other person.
As she scanned the few people to have already arrived she saw Az and gave her a little wave and smile. She really wasn't all that bad.. Even though there was all that other stuff that had gone on.. But she was not about to be mean just because others might expect her to be. SPOILER!!: KAt Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry Now Katerina was completely in her element on her way to the DADA classroom. YASS she was really for this, like every other DADA lesson.
The blonde headed into the classroom to see not one but two men standing in the front of the classroom. "Hello Professor Hirsch." She smiled as she passed them. Also giving the other man a hello and nod.
Turning to head to a seat she seen Az. ugh. She was not a fan of her, so no she was sitting there. See what happens when you mess with her friends? Yeah. She didn't care. Finally taking a seat she seen board and then the moulding clay. What was she going to do? Maybe she would group up with some others and bounce ideas off of them. Just as she had walked by Azura Miranda spotted Brady's best friend Kat. Now she... Was a very fierce friend to have she could tell by the llok onher face as she looked at Azura... Like an arch nemesis or something.. This thought made Miranda giggle a little to herself...
Found a seat near Kat, but leaving room for someone she may have been waiting for.. She looked at the lump 'O clay in front of her and grabbed it and began to knead it until it was more pliable. All the while finding it strangely peculiar that they'd be playing with and shaping clay during this particular class.. But if Miranda learned nothing else last term it was that as messed up and uncoordinated the lesson seems in the begining the more it makes sense at the end...
As she tried making a dolphin shape grey lump she turned to Katerina and smiled, " Hey there... You're pretty fast at getting around the castle.. You know a few passages that I haven't found yet? "
Miranda really did hope she and her boyfriends best friend would be good friends too.. They hadn't ever spoke too much and never really for that long now that she thought about it...
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