Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Grinning slyly, Zeke shrugged. "Yeah, alright... the usual. How 'bout you?" he replied, bumping his shoulder into the Slytherin's as they embracedhugged it out. He was right about one thing, it had been ages, and he was onto something else too.. it WAS quiet. Which wasn't a bad thing per se, but it wasn't particularly interesting either. "It's weird," he observed, shrugging slightly.
Then again, with the school not condoning quidditch it wasn't often the pitch was fully utilized anyway.
Zeke's attention was quickly drawn back to Colt at his proposition. "I'm always up for a game, but I'm keeper," he declared, already eyeing off a pair of gloves. "Same here man. Just the usual stuff like going to classes and trying to get by." What he meant by getting by was doing the least amount of work possible but putting in a tiny bit of effort. "Yeah I would assume that the students here would use the field to his full potential. I mean in Durmstrang the field would be impossible to play on because it was always filled.." Every team was always practicing at odd times so it was hard to keep up.
He beamed when Zeke said he was up for a game of quidditch. "Excellent. Alright keeper you are. I prefer chaser myself actually." he grinned and got his broom all fixed up. "I have been dying to try out my firebolt lately..." He never got a chance to when he was home because his father felt the brooms were unsafe and not normal. He got his quaffle from the trunk and flew up carrying it. "Come on man get to your post.." he smirked and decided to do some air tricks he learned from his cousin. Mann this was liberating. He could feel the wind in his air and all his problems were down there. Nothing could distract him besides scoring of course. "How long have you been a keeper man?" He must have played on a team before.
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