The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera It was becoming increasingly more difficult to care about Transfiguration with every second that passed, which is why he had the back-up books should he need them. Defence, Dark Arts, Arithmancy and Curse Breaking. Yeah, he might have been over prepared, no biggie. All thoughts of study were forgotten the moment he heard Maggie's voice. "Hey, girlfriend," he replied, welcoming her kiss but wishing it had been on his lips instead. Boo. Her legs on his lap were a happy compromise he supposed and instantly his book was closed and relegated to the arm rest. His hands were happier when they were stoking her legs rather than turning pages. "Whatcha got there?" he asked, wiggling his brows at the book in her own hands. Was it one they could share? She had such a nice reading voice after all. Just saying. Maggie quickly got comfortable resting against the couch, then looked back over to Zeke. And grinned. She liked his hands on her legs, he knew that right? PLUS, their current position must have looked really cool (and cute) to an outsider. Which described them perfectly, no? Cool and cute.
And perfect. Heh.
The fact that he actually asked her about the book earned Zeke a kiiiiiiind of unimpressed look. "Doesn't matter." As if to demonstrate exactly that, she carefully placed it on the floor next to her. There, problem solved. She then went back to grinning at him. Now what? |