Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus Secret Meeting
3. Braking Charm Firenze could remember one of the first instances he’d seen magic when he was young as clear as if it had been yesterday. It had almost resulted in a head-on collision.
He’d been staring at the stars (of course) trying to remember everything he had just heard about reading them from his father, and so he hadn’t really been watching where he was going. He wasn’t really aware of anything around him, to be honest, until a sudden yell interrupted his predictions.
“AAAA!” two voices echoed in the forest.
Firenze found himself face to face with a first year student from Hogwarts, who was hovering on a broom two inches from his face.
Thankfully, this particular broom seemed to have a breaking charm cast on it.
“That was… close,” Firenze breathed. The boy gulped. Then, he smiled. Then he began to laugh, and fell of his broom five minutes later, still laughing, joining Firenze in rolling around on the ground in laughter.
Firenze never could make himself hate humans after this the way other centaurs did. And he still saw the boy from the broomstick - sometimes, though always in secret. He had never told anyone of their meeting.
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