Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by Pucki Joy?
Okay, that should be easy enough to remember. Even in his current state, 'Joy', he repeated mentally a few times, hoping that it would be enough to stay in his mind at least until the next sneeze. Those were terrible.
Looking at the box of tissues, he eyed it for a moment. "Thanks... Joy," see? He could remember things! He wasn't completely hopeless! Slowly he took a tissue, blowing his nose, before folding it up and shoving it in his pyjama pants. He'd throw it out later at some point.
Accepting the thermometer he put it under his tongue without hesitation. Now to wait and see how high the temperature was... The red headed healer watched Jasper settle himself down on the bed. "You're welcome dear," she replied softly. Having everyone call her Joy was always much more easier then Healer Miller. First names tended to put people more at ease.
It only took a few seconds before there was a beeping sound. Joy removed the thermometer from his mouth checking it. "You do have a fever yes but nothing that can't be handle within moments." She used her wand to clean the thermometer and put it away for a moment. "I'll be right back." With that she slipped and back to her office where she collected a few potions returning with them moments later. "Alright, here we are. If you'll first take this one it will quickly lower your fever," the healer told him passing him one of the potions. In her hand was another potion for after he drank that one. "Now mind you these might not taste very good which is what that cup of water on the night stand is for." Best to warn him beforehand. |