Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent So Azura hadn't been down here before either. But maybe she had a better sense of direction than he did when it came to finding their way around and getting out. Henry did want to see where it led, after all. "Do you have any idea what's down here? Or where it might go?" He knew she had just said it was her first time in this maze-like passage, but maybe she had already heard about it or something. "Oh, were you looking for me?" Henry looked at Sam curiously, wondering if she had followed him because she needed to ask him something, or anything specific like that. "Or just wanted to hang out?" That would be cool too. Sam was always fun. "I was just exploring actually. I didn't know where this place led... still don't.." He chuckled a bit, but the corridor was proving itself to be interesting at the very least, even if just for the fact that it had a lot of twists and turns as well as a sense of mystery.
But maybe Professor Newton would have some answers about the passageway for them, since the dungeons were probably where he spent most of his time. "We are, I guess," he nodded as the man asked if they were exploring. "Do you know what's down here?" he asked, adding on to the questions Sam had posed for him. He was still rather curious about it.
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |