Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite Whatever the Professor had wanted help picking up was forgotten in favour of the loud crashing that came from the top of the corridor. Ace crashing into a door. Okay. That Hufflepuff kid trying another door on the other side of the corridor and nothing happening. Fine. The Professor asking if he'd heard the clicks too. Sure.
One thing was for certain, it was interesting to know he wasn't the only one currently skipping Transfiguration class. Funny how that worked; how he thought he and Daxton were the only ones who decided the lesson wasn't worth their time but here was this hufflpuff--Kimi the Professor called him--strolling the corridors when he had class and Ace riding around on a board instead of gaining some Transfiguration knowledge.
Well then, he wouldn't ask why they chose to skip. It was none of his business. He was more concerned with how this was turning into one of those situations he didn't wanna be in.
When strange things started happening around Hogwarts, the boy didn't want to be present. He wasn't about that life and frankly didn't care to be.
The boy remained firmly planted in his spot on the floor, an impassive look settling on his face as he watched it all unfold. The doors were locked. Fancy that. "You could try 'Alohomora'." He offered simply. "If that doesn't work, we can go back to that trash pick up you were talking about earlier and pretend we had no idea this happened." He'd even rip the page from his notepad...considering the quill had already documented it.
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |