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Old 08-25-2016, 05:57 AM
Charely Potter Charely Potter is offline

  • Respect others. It is easily earned but difficult to regain, so do behave and treat others well.
  • Be Punctual. Do not announce that you are late to class. It's an automatic 5 point loss. Just pretend that you have been there as quiet the entire time.
  • Follow directions. One wrong move can cause serious harm, trust the Instructor, unless you want to spend your time in the Hospital Wing.
  • Sorry Firsties. Only Second years and above may own a broom. All personal brooms may be stored in the Broomshed.
  • Fly safe. Remain only in designated areas. Flying is restricted only to the Quidditch Pitch area. Anyone caught flying elsewhere will lose 15 House Points and may lose their flying privileges for the rest of the term.
  • OOC: Follow the SS Board Rules at all times. Any questions, feel free to PM the Instructor.
  • Be fair and have fun!