SPOILER!!: Worrisome Chloe
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Chloe was THRILLED when her sister agreed to be Poison Ivy this year. Ever since she was five Chloe had been some iteration of Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, but the older she got the more people jumped on that bandwagon. Lots of Catwomen here. But she didn't do Selina Kyle for the leather and shoes, no she did Selina Kyle because she was a PARAGON of feminist values. A hero of hers, to be honest. And so this year she had finally gotten her sister to join in on the fun. Gotham Sirens the pair of them. They were only missing a Harley Quinn but there was always next year.
The only thing that Chloe was not THRILLED about was the way that Clara presented her Poison Ivy. The body paint to clothes ratio was not ideal but she would take what she could get from her sister. Personally, Chloe was VERY clothed.
She tugged on Clara's arm and whispered, "More paint for you?"
Clara was not entirely thrilled about the idea of dressing as someone she knew little to nothing about. Some character called Poison Ivy? From what Chloe had told her about this villain apparently, she was really cool & was a big supporter of plants, like Clara was, so it didn't take too much convincing for the fourteen year old to give in to dress up as a pair with her sister. Even if the redhead originally had it made up in her mind that she was going to dress up as Helen of Troy because she was so great, like Clara, so it only made sense! But again, Poison Ivy sounded interesting enough.
That was until she found out about the character's choice of clothing, which was usually very scarce might she add. So you can imagine how new this was for Clara to be wearing what she was wearing to this party: a halter top, really short shorts & knee high boots, all decorated by herself of course. After it was all done & she had finally put it on, she felt much better about it, mainly for the purpose of her ability to move freely. Not to mention, she thought she looked awesome in her costume as well.
But anyways, she was about to take a look around at this interesting theme of a party, when she felt Chloe tug on her arm asking her about more paint.
"More paint?" She blinked at her sister before looking over her frame,
"Do you really think I need much more? The fumes from too much paint can be toxic you know."