plus a bit of Myers/ Blaise; Gaston /Viv Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Quote:
Originally Posted by The Narrator Click! Click! Click!
Small sounds fill the air before it goes quiet again. It appears that someone or some thing has jammed all the doors in the fourth floor corridor. So it was free time for Tenacius, and if he's not mucking about in the kitchens or the potions lab which to him is just the extension of the kitchens he would be found on his cruiser. Which is what he's doing now, cruise cruise cruise goes the silver surfer.....
He heard voices. Professors voices, you know the kind that says authority and rules and something about hover boarding around the corridors. But LUCKILY there are classrooms right? All he needs is to swoop in there real smooth and hide it out for a bit....
So he grabs a doorknob and swings it open like he's done hundreds of times in this school. But it DOESNT turn, the door DOESNT swing open. It stays STIFF and CLOSED.
So what happens when an immovable object resists a hastily moving force? --Swoosh W H A M ! !
Down goes the Gryffindor Ace.
And KERPLUNK! goes his cruiser on his curly head. |