Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by Cedric Sam had been studying at the tables earlier, and for a good while, too. But the chairs there were getting uncomfortable and he was getting tired of revising, so to the fireplace it was. A smart choice, mind you. The seating was much comfier, and the fireplace made it quite cozy. A little too cozy, in fact, because it wasn't long before the third year felt his body reaching that perfect temperature and his eyelids gradually drooping down over his eyes.
He'd just close his eyes for a second or so.. Or so..... Genny had three reasons that usually pushed her to walk into the library: 1) Finding Nick 2) Finding Davie and 3) Finding Sam. There was once a fourth reason but it was now... nonexistent from her world (*insert dramatic pause here*).
While the tables or the bookshelves were usually where Genny found everyone, the tables were almost empty and the bookshelves were full off NEWTs and OWLs sufferers only. She grunted at those who demanded she got out of their way, if only the tower of books didn't hide their faces, they should be able to get out of HER way. She made her way towards the fireplace where there was only one person there. Sam. Not studying or frowning down at the book, but sleeping apparently. Well well well...
Smirking, Genny gingerly knelt in front of him and thought for a moment. Waking him up was simply boring, there was an endless list of things that could be done to him right now in this angelic state he was in. She took out her wand and gently leaned it on his nose to draw him a nice mustache and some whiskers. The good old trick... nothing too fancy. Then she leaned into his face and, "SAM!!" |