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One minute he'd been sitting in a silent corridor reading over his Charms text and the next the corridor was filled with...well....humming. Blaise remained firmly fixed in his spot on the floor, slightly slouched against the wall, book in lap and waited to see what had broken his solitude.
Couldn't have been a student, this hour was Transfiguration. It being a mandatory class, everyone was expected to be there--everyone but him. He did not and would not attend, not until he'd managed to have words with the Professor and if he was being honest, he'd been putting it off.
The boy quite liked skipping Transfiguration, especially now without an Airey Flamsteed to drag him there against his will.
Speaking of Professor, it was Professor Myers. Picking up trash? Had he missed something....? "I...don't think any of those are biodegradable, Professor." He offered, unsure as to the man's reason behind garbage collection that wouldn't benefit his plants.
He didn't notice the boy at first. He kept up his trash pickup session, the incessant humming continuing as he went. Honestly, he didn't notice the Gryffindor until Blaise said something aloud.
"Oh? I know. I'm gonna' sort when I get back down to my greenhouses. Figured it would just be easier that way!" he smiled cheerfully. "
What are you doing out here, Mr. Bellaire? Catching up on schoolwork? In the...corridor?" Odd place, really, unless he was waiting for a friend to get out of class.
It did not occur to the Herbologist that Blaise might be skipping class. After all, he didn't know the schedules of all the lessons that weren't his own.