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When they were back to Miss Prefect's table, the girl gave him almost detailed instruction on how to crack the egg in order to separate the egg yolk from the white. Owen didn't have the heart to tell her that he didn't need that, given that he could already do that when he was only five, "Okay. Thanks."
He shot her a side grin as he readied a cup with hot water, grabbed an egg and cracked it gently yet firmly against the side of the table, and expertly separated the egg white from the yolk. The latter went into a spare cup while the former was dropped into the hot water cup.
Okay Miss Prefect, your turn.
It only occurred to her after he had replied that he probably already knew how to crack an egg.
"I'm Kitty by the way," she said cheerfully as she watched him repeat the steps.
Once he was finished she continued.
"Now we'll just see what shape it forms." She frowned as a shape began forming from her egg mess. It really didn't look like any shape from the book to her, though when she twisted her head it looked sort of like the letter S.
"Unfortunately the only thing I see in mine is the letter S. Which brings to mind secret. Or maybe it's a snake. That can't be good." "What's your shape?" she asked as she flipped through the book for snake, pausing to look at her partners progress