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Come on portraits, speak to me. Tell the fairest of them all what she wants to hear.
Wait.... this wasnt a fairy tale.
Noelle's eyes were caught up in the portraits that she hadn't noticed noticed someone behind her. ... Bugger. She almost jumped when he cleared his throat and asked what she was doing.
"Oh... hello. Im just... making sure the portraits are well taken care of is all. " She wouldnt let him in on her little secret that they were good information givers. They watched the halls. Stood unnoticed alot. Really unappreciated, she thought.
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My my. What a loud voice. It seemed that way to old Augustus Flume. Even though he was rather old he did have an excellent sense of hearing.
"Hush, child. Why all the noise and sweet talk? Surely you're up to something.'' Augustus peered suspiciously at the girl. ''You there. This is precisely what I am interested in knowing.'' His comments were now directed to the lad joining the girl. Augustus absently cleaned a spot on the cauldron beside him. He was waiting on an answer.
Dalton raised an eyebrow slightly at the girls response. Most of him thought that there was
no way that someone was checking that the portraits were okay, but then... he'd met a large percentage of increasingly odd people around this school, and would he be surprised to meet another after six years?
Probably not. But still, talking to the portraits was officially Something Else.
His head whipped around as the portraits began to talk back. Or one of them did, at least, addressing Dalton in a way that made his eyebrow raise higher. He turned back to the girl and shrugged.