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Old 09-17-2016, 09:12 AM   #19 (permalink)
Nearly Headless Nick
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Hogwarts.
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Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable

Sit Nicholas regarded Olivia's response. "I quite agree, Lady Phillips. Quite agree. But, you see, us house Ghosts have become split with our beliefs. I, of course, believe we should support the poltergeists for exactly those reasons. I'm just wondering what other's ponder on the betrothal."

At that moment, a young man Sir Nicholas had seen around but not yet spoken to arrived. Nick gave a gentle bow, his hand holding his head into position. HE knew of Sir Nicholas's title. "Hello there young man. What, pray tell, may I call you?" he asked. He liked being able to greet people by their names. "They WOULD indeed cause mayhem regardless, quite right young man."

And this had another pause of the ghost. "What do you think we can say to people to have them believe this as well?" He really thought Lady Helena would be of agreement that people... things, really, deserved love. It was a shock that she disagreed with him. And with the Baron, of all people! Merlin.
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